SOME IMPORTANT TERMS IN HACKING FEILD ... BROUGHT TO YOU BY :- @joalidelphia 🚩Adware − Adware is software designed to force pre-chosen ads to display on your system. 🚩Attack − An attack is an action that is done on a system to get its access and extract sensitive data. 🚩Back door − A back door, or trap door, is a hidden entry to a computing device or software that bypasses security measures, such as logins and password protections. 🚩Bot − A bot is a program that automates an action so that it can be done repeatedly at a much higher rate for a more sustained period than a human operator could do it. For example, sending HTTP, FTP or Telnet at a higher rate or calling script to create objects at a higher rate. 🚩Botnet − A botnet, also known as zombie army, is a group of computers controlled without their owners’ knowledge. Botnets are used to send spam or make denial of service attacks. 🚩Brute force attack − A brute force attack is an automated and the simplest kind of method ...